Class: Indexer::Dependency

Requirement show all
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Dependency class is essentially the same as Requirement, but a dependency represents a binary package requirement that would need to be installed using an operating systems own package management system, or installed manually.

Dependency is a sublcass of Requirement. It only exists as a separate class becuase an OS package managers MIGHT require some additional information --but as of yet that's not the case.

TODO: Why not merge the two and add a field to distinguish them?

Instance Attribute Summary

Attributes inherited from Requirement

#engines, #groups, #name, #platforms, #repository, #sources, #version

Method Summary

Methods inherited from Requirement

#development=, #development?, #external=, #external?, #initialize, #initialize_attributes, #optional=, #optional?, parse, parse_array, parse_hash, parse_string, #runtime?, #to_h

Methods inherited from Model

#[], #[]=, attr_reader, attr_writer, #initialize, #initialize_attributes, #key?, #merge!, #method_missing, #store, #to_h, #to_yaml, #validate

Constructor Details

This class inherits a constructor from Indexer::Requirement

Dynamic Method Handling

This class handles dynamic methods through the method_missing method in the class Indexer::Model