
Build Status

Impresser gives your rubies the game they need to hook up with your Wordpress.


Add the following to your Gemfile.

gem "impresser"

Then, create an initializer named config/initializers/impresser.rb

Impresser.setup(:active_record, :connect => {
  :adapter  => "mysql2",
  :encoding => "utf8",
  :host     => "localhost",
  :port     => 3306,
  :database => "db_name",
  :username => "db_user",
  :password => "db_pass"

# This line is optional, but you can uncomment it if you want to
# pull the models into the global namespace. Don't do this if you
# have models that would cause naming conflicts with the Impresser
# models.
# include Impresser::ActiveRecord

Only ActiveRecord is supported now, but I want to support DataMapper and Sequel in future versions.


  • Better test coverage
  • Better support for dealing with file attachments; perhaps integration with paperclip?
  • More seamless configuration with the option to fine-tune it where needed
  • DataMapper support
  • Sequel support

Copyright (c) 2012 Matt Mayers. See LICENSE for details.