iMp3 is an application for batch processing and fixing common issues when dealing with a large iTunes library


  • Mac OS X 10.6

  • iTunes 9


sudo gem install imp3


Application for batch processing and fixing common issues when dealing with a large iTunes library

  fix genres           Tags all tracks genres using
  fix misspelled-artists Fixes misspelled artist names
  help                 Display global or [command] help documentation.
  stats genres         Lists all genres tagged in iTunes

Global Options:
  -h, --help           Display help documentation
  -v, --version        Display version information
  -t, --trace          Display backtrace when an error occurs


$ imp3 genres fetch
53% |=============............| Tagging track 911DA9F96A9D7003 with genre 'sludge'

$ imp3 artists misspelled
Misspelled artist name scan complete.

What is the correct artist name for L'Antietam
1. L'Antietam
2. L'antietam
3. (Skip)
?  1
Tagging track 851744AFF27C75D1 with artist name 'L'Antietam'

177 artists.
1479 tracks.
1 tracks tagged.
0 requests.
0 errors.

$ imp3 genres ignore-add singer-songwriter
Genre 'singer-songwriter' added to ignore list

$ imp3 genres ignore-list
| Genre             |
| singer-songwriter |
| polish            |
| swedish           |

$ imp3 genres list
| Genre             | Tracks |
| screamo           | 398    |
| post-rock         | 252    |
| hardcore          | 116    |
| post-hardcore     | 81     |
| sludge            | 72     |
| indie             | 67     |
| rock              | 58     |
| math-rock         | 44     |
| thrashcore        | 38     |
| emo               | 36     |
| electronic        | 33     |
| crust             | 32     |
| mathcore          | 29     |
| post-metal        | 26     |
| metalcore         | 23     |
| punk              | 21     |
| grindcore         | 21     |
| crustcore         | 15     |
| ska               | 11     |
| indie-rock        | 11     |
| deathcore         | 10     |
| black-metal       | 9      |
| experimental      | 8      |
| ambient           | 7      |
| emo-violence      | 6      |
| death-metal       | 5      |
| pop-punk          | 5      |
| swedish           | 3      |
| psychedelic       | 3      |
| pop               | 2      |
| polish            | 2      |
| punk-rock         | 1      |
| acoustic          | 1      |
| post-punk         | 1      |


  • Issue solver: Misspelled album names

  • Issue solver: Lower-cased track names

  • Issue solver: Same artist, different genre

  • Issue solver: Fetch missing album art using

  • Issue solver: Duplicate tracks

  • Issue solver: Remove sort artist (I personally hate this feature)

  • Switch to only process current iTunes selection

  • Switch to skip/force already processed tracks

  • Cache requests

  • Windows support through Win32OLE

  • (your feature request here)

Note on Patches/Pull Requests

  • Fork the project.

  • Make your feature addition or bug fix.

  • Add tests for it. This is important so I don’t break it in a future version unintentionally.

  • Commit, do not mess with rakefile, version, or history. (if you want to have your own version, that is fine but bump version in a commit by itself I can ignore when I pull)

  • Send me a pull request. Bonus points for topic branches.


Copyright © 2010 Víctor Martínez. See LICENSE for details.