IMDb Lists

Get easy access to any public IMDb movie list.

How to use

Find by url

require "imdb_lists"
result = ImdbLists.fetch("")

result.movies.count # => 693
result.movies.first.title # => Die Hard

Data to work with


  • name (String) List name.
  • url (String) Full URL to the IMDb list itself.
  • movies (Array) A list of movies.
  • csv (String) Url to movie CSV file.

A movie object

The movies method returns a list of movies.

  • id (String) IMDb movie id.
  • title (String) Movie title.
  • directors (Array< String >) A list of directors.
  • rating (Fixnum) Movie rating, from 0.0 to 10.0.
  • runtime (Fixnum) Runtime in minutes.
  • genres (Array< String >) A list of genres.
  • votes (Fixnum) The amount of votes.
  • released_at (Time) When was the movie released?
  • details Url to a IMDb details page.
  • created_at When was it added to the given list?

Only for vote lists

  • you_rated (Fixnum) Your rating, from 0.0 to 10.0.

How do install

[sudo] gem install imdb_lists

How to use it in a rails 3 project

Add gem 'imdb_lists' to your Gemfile and run bundle.


IMDb Lists is tested in OS X 10.6.6, 10.7.1 using Ruby 1.9.2.


IMDb Lists is released under the MIT license.