What is Imaginizer

Create a set of images given sizes and optional content: title, subtitle, footer, background image and foreground image.


You need Imagemagick with Freetype support to run Imaginizer.

To check if you have it installed, run this command:

check=`cosnvert -list CONFIGURE 2> /dev/null|grep DELEGATES|grep freetype|wc -l`; if [ $check -eq 1 ]; then echo "Imagemagick/Freetype IS installed"; else echo "Imagemagick/Freetype IS NOT installed"; fi

To install:

  • with homebrew (OS X), run brew install imagemagick --with-freetype

  • with aptitude (Linux), run apt-get freetype imagemagick

How to use from the command line

Install with gem install imaginizer, then run imaginizer -h