
Code Climate Gem Version

Gem for multiply file upload (for backend).

One thread (thread of images) have many images. Attach thread to your model and you get "album"


  1. carrierwave
  2. foreigner


  1. Single/Multi uploaders
  2. Validators - size, count, format and etc
  3. Handle errors
  4. Customize uploaders
  5. I18n
  6. Reorder images in thread
  7. Placeholder generator for nonexistent files
  8. Tests!!!
  9. Cache thumb creation


  1. Dynamic thumbs (i.e. thread.image[0].thumb('120x120') or thread.image[0].thumb('300x100!'))
  2. Settings: remove file on destroy(ex.: has_image_thread :images, delete: :file )



Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'image_thread'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install image_thread

Copy migrations:

rails generate image_thread:install

Then run this migration.


Setup client-side

Add js to your manifest file

require image_thread

If you use custom class for uploader (default: '.image_thread_fileupload') require only uploader without init file

require image_thread/uploader

and init uploader(s):

            formData: {
                uploader: $(this).data('uploader'),
                thread:   $(this).data('thread'),
                dir:      $(this).data('dir')
            inputName: $(this).data('name'),
            previewCrop: true,
            previewMaxWidth: 120,
            previewMaxHeight: 120,
            filesContainer: $(this).closest('.uploader-container').find('.files')

Add thread to model

  1. Create filed %your_thread_name_id in your model (Link to thread)
  2. Inside model class add line: has_image_thread :%your_thread_name

Upload files

  1. In form use this: image_thread_field helper(like text_field etc): form.image_thread_field(:%your_thread_name, options)


  1. Fork it ( )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request