
Gem for multiply file upload (for backend).

One thread (thread of images) have many images. Attach thread to your model and you get "album"


  1. carrierwave
  2. foreigner


  1. Single/Multi uploaders
  2. Validators - size, count, format and etc
  3. Handle errors
  4. Customize uploaders
  5. I18n
  6. Reorder images in thread
  7. Placeholder generator for nonexistent files


  1. Dynamic thumbs (i.e. thread.image[0].thumb('120x120') or thread.image[0].thumb('300x100!'))
  2. Settings: remove file on destroy(ex.: has_image_thread :images, delete: :file )



Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'image_thread'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install image_thread

Copy migrations:

rails generate image_thread:install

Then run this migration.


Setup client-side

Add js to your manifest file

require image_thread

If you use custom class for uploader (default: '.image_thread_fileupload') require only uploader without init file

require image_thread/uploader

and init uploader(s):

            formData: {
                uploader: $(this).data('uploader'),
                thread:   $(this).data('thread'),
                dir:      $(this).data('dir')
            inputName: $(this).data('name'),
            previewCrop: true,
            previewMaxWidth: 120,
            previewMaxHeight: 120,
            filesContainer: $(this).closest('.uploader-container').find('.files')

Add thread to model

  1. Create filed %your_thread_name_id in your model (Link to thread)
  2. Inside model class add line: has_image_thread :%your_thread_name

Upload files

  1. In form use this: image_thread_field helper(like text_field etc): form.image_thread_field(:%your_thread_name, options)


  1. Fork it ( )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request