
Provides higher-level image processing functionality that is commonly needed when accepting user uploads. Supports processing with VIPS and ImageMagick/GraphicsMagick.

The goal of this project is to have a single place where common image processing helper methods are maintained, instead of Paperclip, CarrierWave, Refile, Dragonfly and ActiveStorage each implementing their own versions.


gem "image_processing"


The ImageProcessing::Vips module contains processing macros that use the ruby-vips gem, which you need to install:

# Gemfile
gem "ruby-vips", "~> 2.0"

Note that you'll need to have libvips 8.6 or higher installed; see the installation instructions for more details.


ImageProcessing::Vips lets you define the processing pipeline using a chainable API:

require "image_processing/vips"

processed = ImageProcessing::Vips
  .resize_to_limit(400, 400)

processed #=> #<File:/var/folders/.../image_processing-vips20180316-18446-1j247h6.png>

This allows easy branching when generating multiple derivatives:

pipeline = ImageProcessing::Vips

large  = pipeline.resize_to_limit!(800, 800)
medium = pipeline.resize_to_limit!(500, 500)
small  = pipeline.resize_to_limit!(300, 300)

The processing is executed on #call or when a processing method is called with a bang (!).

processed = ImageProcessing::Vips
  .resize_to_limit(400, 400)

# OR

processed = ImageProcessing::Vips
  .source(image) # declare source image
  .resize_to_limit(400, 400)

# OR

processed = ImageProcessing::Vips
  .resize_to_limit!(400, 400) # bang method

The source image needs to be an object that responds to #path or a Vips::Image object. The result is a Tempfile object, or a Vips::Image object if save: false is passed in.

pipeline = ImageProcessing::Vips.source(image)

tempfile =
tempfile #=> #<Tempfile ...>

vips_image = false)
vips_image #=> #<Vips::Image ...>


Downsizes the image to fit within the specified dimensions while retaining the original aspect ratio. Will only resize the image if it's larger than the specified dimensions.

pipeline = ImageProcessing::Vips.source(image) # 600x800

result = pipeline.resize_to_limit!(400, 400)

#=> [300, 400]

It's possible to omit one dimension, in which case the image will be resized only by the provided dimension.

pipeline.resize_to_limit!(400, nil)
# or
pipeline.resize_to_limit!(nil, 400)

Any additional options are forwarded to Vips::Image#thumbnail_image:

pipeline.resize_to_limit!(400, 400, linear: true)

See vips_thumbnail() for more details.


Resizes the image to fit within the specified dimensions while retaining the original aspect ratio. Will downsize the image if it's larger than the specified dimensions or upsize if it's smaller.

pipeline = ImageProcessing::Vips.source(image) # 600x800

result = pipeline.resize_to_fit!(400, 400)

#=> [300, 400]

It's possible to omit one dimension, in which case the image will be resized only by the provided dimension.

pipeline.resize_to_fit!(400, nil)
# or
pipeline.resize_to_fit!(nil, 400)

Any additional options are forwarded to Vips::Image#thumbnail_image:

pipeline.resize_to_fit!(400, 400, linear: true)

See vips_thumbnail() for more details.


Resizes the image to fill the specified dimensions while retaining the original aspect ratio. If necessary, will crop the image in the larger dimension.

pipeline = ImageProcessing::Vips.source(image) # 600x800

result = pipeline.resize_to_fill!(400, 400)

#=> [400, 400]

Any additional options are forwarded to Vips::Image#thumbnail_image:

pipeline.resize_to_fill!(400, 400, crop: :attention) # smart crop

See vips_thumbnail() for more details.


Resizes the image to fit within the specified dimensions while retaining the original aspect ratio. If necessary, will pad the remaining area with the given color, which defaults to transparent (for GIF and PNG, white for JPEG).

pipeline = ImageProcessing::Vips.source(image) # 600x800

result = pipeline.resize_and_pad!(400, 400)

#=> [400, 400]

You can specify the background color that will be used for padding:

pipeline.resize_and_pad!(400, 400, color: "RoyalBlue")

You can also specify the direction where the source image will be positioned:

pipeline.resize_and_pad!(400, 400, gravity: "north-west")

Any additional options are forwarded to Vips::Image#thumbnail_image:

pipeline.resize_to_fill!(400, 400, linear: true)

See vips_thumbnail() and vips_gravity() for more details.


Specifies the output format.

pipeline = ImageProcessing::Vips.source(image)

result = pipeline.convert!("png")

#=> ".png"

By default the original format is retained when writing the image to a file. If the source file doesn't have a file extension, the format will default to JPEG.

#set, #set_type

Sets Vips::Image metadata. Delegates to Vips::Image#set and Vips::Image#set_type.

pipeline = ImageProcessing::Vips.source(image)

pipeline.set("icc-profile-data", profile).call
# or
pipeline.set_type(Vips::BLOB_TYPE, "icc-profile-data", profile).call


Any unknown methods will be delegated to Vips::Image.

  .crop(0, 0, 300, 300)
  # ...


Calls the provided block with the intermediary Vips::Image object. The return value of the provided block must be a Vips::Image object.

  .resize_to_limit(400, 400)
  .custom { |image| image + image.invert }


Specifies options that will be forwarded to Vips::Image.new_from_file.

  .loader(access: :sequential)
  .resize_to_limit(400, 400)

See vips_jpegload(), vips_pngload() etc. for more details on format-specific load options.

If you would like to have more control over loading, you can load the image directly using Vips::Image, and just pass the Vips::Image object as the source file.

vips_image = Vips::Image.magickload(file.path, n: -1)

  # ...


Specifies options that will be forwarded to Vips::Image#write_to_file.

  .saver(Q: 100)
  .resize_to_limit(400, 400)

See vips_jpegsave(), vips_pngsave() etc. for more details on format-specific save options.

If you would like to have more control over saving, you can call #call(save: false) to get the Vips::Image object, and call the saver on it directly.

vips_image = ImageProcessing::Vips
  .resize_to_limit(400, 400)
  .call(save: false)

vips_image.write_to_file("/path/to/destination", **options)


The ImageProcessing::MiniMagick module contains processing methods that use the MiniMagick gem, which you need to install:

# Gemfile
gem "mini_magick", ">= 4.3.5"

Typically you will include the module in your class:

require "image_processing/mini_magick"

include ImageProcessing::MiniMagick

original ="path/to/image.jpg")

converted = convert(original, "png") # makes a converted copy
converted #=> #<File:/var/folders/.../mini_magick20151003-23030-9e1vjz.png (closed)>
File.exist?(original.path) #=> true

converted = convert!(original, "png") # converts the file in-place
converted #=> #<File:/var/folders/.../mini_magick20151003-23030-9e1vjz.png (closed)>
File.exist?(original.path) #=> false

You can also call processing methods directly on the module:

image ="path/to/image.jpg")

ImageProcessing::MiniMagick.resize_to_fit(image, 400, 400)


The following is the list of processing methods provided by ImageProcessing::MiniMagick (each one has both a destructive and a nondestructive version):

# Adjust an image so that its orientation is suitable for viewing.

# Converts file to the specified format, and you can specify to convert only a
# certain page for multilayered formats.
convert[!](file, format, page = nil)

# Crop image to the defined area.
crop[!](file, width, height, x_offset, y_offset, gravity: "NorthWest")

# Resizes image to fit the specified dimensions (shrinks if larger, enlarges if
# smaller, but keeps the aspect ratio).
resize_to_fit[!](file, width, height)

# Resizes image in limit of the specified dimensions (shrinks if larger, keeps
# if smaller, but keeps the aspect ratio).
resize_to_limit[!](file, width, height)

# Resizes image to fill the specified dimensions (shrinks if larger,
# enlarges if smaller, crops the longer side).
resize_to_fill[!](file, width, height, gravity: "Center")

# Resizes image to the specified dimensions and pads missing space (shrinks if
# larger, enlarges if smaller, fills the shorter side with specified color).
resize_and_pad[!](file, width, height, background: "transparent", gravity: "Center")

# Resamples the image to a different resolution
resample[!](file, horizontal, vertical)

# Returns true if the given image is corrupted

The #resize_to_limit[!] and #resize_to_fit[!] allow specifying only one dimension:

resize_to_limit(image, 300, nil)
resize_to_fit(image, nil, 500)

Dropping to MiniMagick

If you want to do custom MiniMagick processing, each of the above optionally yields an instance of MiniMagick::Tool, which you can use for additional processing:

convert(file, "png") do |cmd|

There is also a helper method for doing MiniMagick processing directly (though note that this will process the image in-place!):

processed = with_minimagick(file) do |image|
  image #=> #<MiniMagick::Image ...>
  image.combine_options do |cmd|
    # ...

processed #=> #<File ...>


Test suite requires imagemagick, graphicsmagick and libvips be installed. On Mac OS you can install them with Homebrew:

$ brew install imagemagick graphicsmagick vips

Afterwards you can run tests with

$ rake test


The ImageProcessing::MiniMagick functionality was extracted from refile-mini_magick.
