Image Compressor Pack

A source distribution of a bunch of lossy and lossless image optimisation utilities for use with image_optim. Created because I didn't trust the binaries in the image_optim_pack gem and wanted something to automate the compilation from source.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'image_compressor_pack', github: 'ignisf/image_compressor_pack'

And then execute:

$ bundle


For use in Rails with image_optim. Just adding it to your Gemfile should be enough to add most of the utilities image_optim has workers for to the PATH.

At this point image_optim_pack supports svgo and pngout which are not included in image_compressor_pack. svgo requires nodejs and pngout's source is not open.

To exclude them, use the following in your Rails environment configuration or appropriate initialiser:

config.assets.image_optim = {skip_missing_workers: true,
                             svgo: false,
                             pngout: false}

See for more info on Rails configuration or if you are using image_optim and image_compressor_pack outside of Rails.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.