
Post timestamps to a CouchDB database document. Useful for sending heartbeat signals or proving that an operation took place when it was supposed to.

The timestamp information that is written is:

{"timestamp" => "2015-02-01 00:00:00 UTC", "js_timestamp" => 1422748800}

CouchDB documents can be acessed through HTTP GET request, no special tooling is required to read the values back out, you can use Curl, do it from JS in a web page, from any programming language you can think of etc etc.


gem install im-alive


im-alive https://[email protected]/backups weekly

of which

  • https://[email protected] is the URL of the CouchDB instance
  • backups is the name of the CouchDB database. The database will be automatically created if it doesn't exist.
  • weekly it the name of the document to write the timestamps to. The document is created if it doesn't exist.


Install the dependencies with bundle install, and run the tests with bundle exec rake.