
IReach integrates the gems newsletter and mail_manager into a useable site with administration and useful navigation with little work to get it going.


Optional Dependencies


  • install rvm/ruby 1.9.3/bundler/rails 3.2.x then run the following or skip ahead to the next step if you already have a rails 3.2.x app

    • new rails app where you want to not use 'test' and want to use mysql
      rails new MyApp -T --skip-bundle -d mysql
    • or optionally a default rails app
      rails new MyApp
      cd MyApp
  • edit your Gemfile
    gem 'i_reach'

    • uncomment the ruby racer line ... or pick another JS gem
      gem 'therubyracer', :platforms => :ruby
    • add any other gems you like
  • bundle your gems
    bundle install

  • configure your database(unless already configured) edit config/database.yml

  • NOTE: you may need to prefix everything with bundle exec assuming you're using bundler

  • create(unless already created) the database rake db:create # this doesn't always work... you may need to use your normal client & set up permissions

  • configure mail_manager

    • generate migrations
      rake mail_manager:import_migrations
    • generate delayed_jobs (this is the only job runner we support right now)
      rails g delayed_job:active_record
    • NOTE: you need to create an email account that will receive bounces from your mailings(and allow POP)... configure in the following file:
    • generate and configure the mail manager settings file at config/mail_manager.yml: (replace table prefix with something... or nothing if you don't want to scope it)
      rake mail_manager:default_app_config[table_prefix]
  • configure newsletter

    • generate migrations
      rake newsletter:import_migrations
    • generate and configure the newsletter settings file at config/newsletter.yml: (replace table prefix with something... or nothing if you don't want to scope it)
      rake newsletter:default_app_config[table_prefix]
  • migrate the database rake db:migrate

  • create bounce job to check for emails that have bounced from your mailings
    rake mail_manager:create_delayed_jobs

  • mount IReach routes (you can say where by using at: /path) in config/routes.rb
    mount IReach::Engine => "/"
    root to: 'i_reach/welcome#index'