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i18n-spec provides RSpec matchers for testing your locale files and their translations.

Testing the validity of your locale files

There are a few matchers available; the subject of the spec is always a path to a locale file.

describe "config/locales/en.yml" do
  it { is_expected.to be_parseable }
  it { is_expected.to have_valid_pluralization_keys }
  it { is_expected.to_not have_missing_pluralization_keys }
  it { is_expected.to have_one_top_level_namespace }
  it { is_expected.to be_named_like_top_level_namespace }
  it { is_expected.to_not have_legacy_interpolations }
  it { is_expected.to have_a_valid_locale }

All of these tests can be ran in one line with a shared example :

describe "A locale file" do
  it_behaves_like 'a valid locale file', 'config/locales/en.yml'

Even better, you can run all of these tests for every file in a directory like so :

Dir.glob('config/locales/*.yml') do |locale_file|
  describe "a locale file" do
    it_behaves_like 'a valid locale file', locale_file

Testing the validity of your translation data

To test that your locale file is a subset of the default locale file

describe "config/locales/fr.yml" do
  it { is_expected.to be_a_subset_of 'config/locales/en.yml' }

If you need to test that all translations have been completed :

describe "config/locales/fr.yml" do
  it { is_expected.to be_a_complete_translation_of 'config/locales/en.yml' }

Rake tasks

Include the tasks in your Rakefile with :

require 'i18n-spec/tasks'

Validating locale files

You can check a locale file with the following task :

rake i18n-spec:validate FILEPATH

or check a whole directory :

rake i18n-spec:validate DIRECTORY

Checking for translation completeness

You can check a locale file with the following taks :


or again, check a whole directory :

rake i18n-spec:completeness SOURCE_FILEPATH DIRECTORY