
Hyde is a website preprocessor.


  • HAML, Sass, Compass and more: Hyde will let you write in HAML, SCSS, Sass, and more by default. It also comes preloaded with Compass.

  • Layouts and Partials: Hyde lets you define your site's header and footer layouts in a separate file, and even separate snippets of your site into reuseable components (partials). Your code will be much cleaner and DRYer!

  • Template languages: Hyde lets you write your site in any template language you need -- the translation will be taken care of for you. Hyde supports HAML, LessCSS, Markdown, SASS and Textile by default, and more can be added through extensions.

  • Extendable: Hyde is easily customizable with extensions. You can add new helpers, new commands, support for new languages and many more by simply adding the extensions to your project folder. Some are even available as simple Ruby gems!

  • Design fast: Hyde comes with a web server that lets you serve up your site locally. Any changes to your files will be seen on your next browser refresh!

  • Build your site as static HTMLs: You can export your site as plain HTML files with one simple command.

Why use Hyde?

It's like building a static site, but better! You can use Hyde for:

  • Building HTML prototypes
  • Building sites with no dynamic logic
  • Creating a blog where the entries are stored in a source repository


gem install hydeweb


Here's how you can get started:

hyde create <project_name>
cd <project_name>
hyde build                       # <= Build the HTML files, or
hyde start                       # <= Serve via a local web server


Run tests:

rake test

To try it in a different Ruby version, you can use RVM + Bundler to make things easier. For instance:

rvm use 1.8.7@hyde --create     # Create a gemset
bundle install                  # Install the needed gems on that set
rake test


Authored and maintained by Rico Sta. Cruz and Sinefunc, Inc.
See sinefunc.com for more about our work!