
xamplr is a set of software tools that supports development of ruby applications.


- supports Domain Driven Design in Ruby
- persistence ignornace
- clusters, entities, 'regular' objects, and repositories (corresponding approximately to DDD's aggregates, entities, value objects, and repositories)
- different peristence techniques including filesystem (XML format) and Tokyo Cabinet
- transaction support
- querying 
- fast development, fast execution
- has been in use in commercial software since 2004, a Java version has been in use since 1998.


- absymal lack of documentation. If you are brave and willing to wade through (old) blog entries, you might try looking at: 



The stable release is hosted on rubyforge as a gem, so:

    [sudo] gem install xamplr

The most recent release is hosted on github, also as a gem, so:

    gem sources -a http://gems.github.com
    [sudo] gem install hutch-xamplr

The most recent code is in the repository, so clone the github project and either
use it directly (with a little fooling about with load paths), or build it as a gem
and install locally.


For the moment it is AGPLv3 (see COPYING). An alternative license may be negotiated, contact me. In the near future this license will be relaxed.

Copyright Info:

Copyright © 2009 Bob Hutchison. See LICENSE and COPYING for details.