Hull Ruby client


Add this line to your application’s Gemfile:

gem 'hullio'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install hullio



rb Hull.configure do |c| c.app_id = "your-app-id" c.app_secret = "your-app-secret" c.org_url = "" end

In Rails, you can include this in an initializer.

Making API Calls

get, put, post and delete methods are directly available on Hull.


```rb # To get the current app Hull.get(‘app’)

To get the a list of comments on the current app (with pagination)

Hull.get(‘app/comments’, limit: 10, page: 2)

To update an existing object

Hull.put(‘app’, { name: ‘My Super App’ }) ```

with Hull entities :

```rb Hull.get(‘entity’, { uid: ‘’ }) Hull.put(‘entity’, { uid: ‘’, name: ‘My super Page’ }) Hull.delete(‘entity’, { uid: ‘’ })

Get comments on the Entity identified by ‘’

Hull.get(‘entity/comments’, { uid: ‘’ }) ```

Making API calls as as a User

```rb # From its user ID‘51fa7afd09e50d11f1000002’).get(‘me’)

From a user UID‘twitter:hull’).get(‘me’)‘external:3637’).get(‘me’) ```

Getting the current User

Hull.authenticate_user allows you to get the current User’s ID.


```rb class MyController < ApplicationController def current_hull_user # You probably should cache this or record this information in a session # to avoid making calls to Hull’s API on each request @current_hull_user ||= Hull.get(current_hull_user_id) end

def current_hull_user_id @current_hull_user_id ||= Hull.authenticate_user(request.env) end end ```

Compiling widgets and templates with Rails’ Assets Pipeline

Load handlebars_assets in your Gemfile as part of the assets group

rb group :assets do gem 'handlebars_assets' end

Place your widgets inside the app/assets/javascripts dir.

├── assets
│   ├── javascripts
│   │   ├── application.js
│   │   └── hello
│   │       ├── hello.hbs
│   │       └── main.js

And require the in your application.js file :

js //= require handlebars //= require_tree .

Bring your own users

In addition to providing multiple social login options, Hull allows you to create and authenticate users that are registered within your own app.

To use this feature, you just have to add a userHash key at the initialization of hull.js :

In you view :

html <script> Hull.init({ appId: "<%= Hull.app_id %>", orgUrl: "<%= Hull.org_url %>", userHash: "<%= Hull.user_hash({ id: "123", email: "[email protected]", name: "Bill Evans" }) %>" }); </script>


Hooks allow you to be notified every time an object in your app is created, updated or deleted.

```ruby require ‘hull/middlewares/hook’

path option default is ‘/hull-hook

use Hull::Middlewares::Hook, path: ‘/hullook’, secret: ENV[‘HULL_APP_SECRET’] do |event, request| # Do something with event end ```


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  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Added some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request