Rails initializer

Default initializations common to HubRise projects.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'hubrise_initializer'

In config/application.rb:

HubriseInitializer.configure(:logger, :delayed_job_logger, :web_console)


The following environment variables can be used:

  • RAILS_LOGGER - possible values:

    • not defined: use Rails default logger (a file in the logs folder)
    • fluentd: send logs to Fluentd, with a single JSON log per request
    • stdout: send logs to stdout
  • RAILS_LOG_LEVEL - possible values:

    • debug, info, etc.: override Rails log level

The following environment variables can be used only whenENV['RAILS_LOGGER'] == 'fluentd'

  • FLUENTD_URL: must be defined

  • RAILS_LOGRAGE_SQL - possible values:

    • true: log SQL queries
  • RAILS_LOGRAGE_QUERY - possible values:

    • true: log queries and reponses' bodies & headers

Publish changes to this gem

To upload the latest version to RubyGems.org:

  1. Increase version in lib/hubrise_initializer/version.rb

  2. Build & publish - cd to the repository main folder then:

rm -f hubrise_initializer-*.gem
gem build hubrise_initializer
gem push hubrise_initializer-*.gem