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Ruby-htslib is the Ruby bindings to HTSlib, a C library for high-throughput sequencing data formats. It allows you to read and write file formats commonly used in genomics, such as SAM, BAM, VCF, and BCF in the Ruby language.

:apple: Feel free to fork it out if you can develop it!

:bowtie: alpha stage.


  • Ruby 2.7 or above.
  • HTSlib
    • Ubuntu : apt install libhts-dev
    • macOS : brew install htslib
    • Build from source code (see Development section)


gem install htslib

If you have installed htslib with apt on Ubuntu or homebrew on Mac, pkg-config will automatically detect the location of the shared library. Alternatively, you can specify the directory of the shared library by setting the environment variable HTSLIBDIR.

export HTSLIBDIR="/your/path/to/htslib" #


High level API

Read SAM / BAM / CRAM - Sequence Alignment Map file

require 'htslib'

bam ="test/fixtures/moo.bam")

bam.each do |r|
  pp name: r.qname,
     flag: r.flag,
     chrm: r.chrom,
     strt: r.pos + 1,
     mapq: r.mapq,
     cigr: r.cigar.to_s,
     mchr: r.mate_chrom,
     mpos: r.mpos + 1,
     isiz: r.isize,
     seqs: r.seq,
     qual: { |i| (i + 33).chr }.join,
     MC:   r.aux("MC")


Read VCF / BCF - Variant Call Format file

bcf ="b.bcf")

bcf.each do |r|
  p chrom:  r.chrom,
    pos:    r.pos,
    qual:   r.qual.round(2),
    ref:    r.ref,
    alt:    r.alt,
    filter: r.filter,
    format: r.format.to_h


Low level API

HTS::LibHTS provides native怀C functions.

require 'htslib'

a = HTS::LibHTS.hts_open("a.bam", "r")
b = HTS::LibHTS.hts_get_format(a)
p b[:category]
p b[:format]

Note: htslib makes extensive use of macro functions for speed. you cannot use C macro functions in Ruby if they are not reimplemented in ruby-htslib. Only small number of C structs are implemented with FFI's ManagedStruct, which frees memory when Ruby's garbage collection fires. Other structs will need to be freed manually.

Need more speed?

Try Crystal. is implemented in Crystal language and provides an API compatible with ruby-htslib. Crsytal language is not as flexible as Ruby language. You can not use eval methods, and you must always be aware of the types. It is not very suitable for writing one-time scripts or experimenting with different code. However, If you have already written code in ruby-htslib, have a clear idea of the manipulations you want to do, and need to execute them many times, then by all means try to implement the command line tool using The Crystal language is very fast and can perform almost as well as the Rust and C languages.



To get started with development:

git clone --recursive
cd ruby-htslib
bundle install
bundle exec rake htslib:build
bundle exec rake test

GNU Autotools is required to compile htslib.

Many macro functions are used in HTSlib. Since these macro functions cannot be called using FFI, they must be reimplemented in Ruby.

  • Actively use the advanced features of Ruby.
  • Remain compatibile with
    • The most difficult part is the return value. In the Crystal language, it is convenient for a method to return only one type. In the Ruby language, on the other hand, it is more convenient to return multiple classes. For example, in the Crystal language, it is confusing that a return value can take four types: Int32, Float32, Nil, and String. In Ruby, on the other hand, it is very common and does not cause any problems.

FFI Extensions

  • ffi-bitfield : Extension of Ruby-FFI to support bitfields.

Automatic generation or automatic validation (Future plan)

  • c2ffi is a tool to create JSON format metadata from C header files. It is planned to use c2ffi to automatically generate bindings or tests.


Ruby-htslib is a library under development, so even small improvements like typofix are welcome! Please feel free to send us your pull requests.

Do you need commit rights to ruby-htslib repository?
Do you want to get admin rights and take over the project?
If so, please feel free to contact us @kojix2.

Why do you implement htslib in a language like Ruby, which is not widely used in the bioinformatics?

One of the greatest joys of using a minor language like Ruby in bioinformatics is that there is nothing stopping you from reinventing the wheel. Reinventing the wheel can be fun. But with languages like Python and R, where many bioinformatics masters work, there is no chance left for beginners to create htslib bindings. Bioinformatics file formats, libraries and tools are very complex and I don't know how to understand them. So I wanted to implement the HTSLib binding myself to better understand how the pioneers of bioinformatics felt when establishing the file format and how they created their tools. And that effort is still going on today...

Funding support

This work was supported partially by Ruby Association Grant 2020.


MIT License.