forthebadge forthebadge Gem Version

This gem was last updated on the 19.02.2024 ( notation), at 12:19:50 o'clock.

Introduction to the HtmlTags gem

The HtmlTags gem is a somewhat small gem that will try to autogenerate Strings put into methods resembling the available HTML tags.

Let's next have a look at a specific example supporting this statement.

Take the following method call in Ruby:


So, we call the method span() and pass the String 'foo' into it. The method .span() can be found as part of the HtmlTags gem.

This will be expanded towards the following String:


In other words: the HtmlTags gem can be used to autogenerate HTML code.

This functionality is then made available to other projects, which can tap into that functionality, in particular the gem cyberweb. I use the latter gem for my custom cgi/sinatra/rails projects.

The code that was part in the html_tags gem originally used to be part of the cyberweb gem in the past, until html_tags became a standalone gem, in the year 2013.

Goals and Objectives for the HtmlTags gem

The HtmlTags gem has various goals, some of which are more important than others.

In no particular order, here are the different goals for this gem:

- Provide a way to generate all valid HTML tags, in particular for HTML5.
- Provide useful documentation as to how to use this project.
- Make the code as consistent as possible, unless the specific HTML tag at hand requires a different treatment
- Make the HtmlTags as self-contained as possible, e. g. no external dependencies.
- Make the HtmlTags as useful as possible, by also providing helper code unrelated to HTML-tags itself.
- Document the HTML that is supported by the gem. 

New ideas (playground for new ideas)

We could replace code elements such as:

<button onclick="show_source()">Click me</button>


button.text('Click me').onclick('show_source')

Or perhaps simple:

button('Click me').on_clicked {

This is currently not implemented, though. Need to think more about it first.

Using HTML headers

The following example shows how to use the h1 tag via HtmlTags:

HtmlTags.h1('Hello world!') # => "<h1>\nHello world!\n</h1>"

You can include the module HtmlTags. Then you can just type h1() directly.

Another example, this time for the div tag:

name = 'Joe'
puts HtmlTags.div("Hello, #{name}!") # => <div>Hello, Joe!</div>


The HTML a tag is for hyperlinks; typically it contains a href entry.

You can pass in a Hash, too, including a few supported JavaScript functions.

Example for the latter:

onclick: 'change_the_colour_to()'

Note that you still have to write the function somewhere and pull it into the .html file (or .cgi file or whatever else you are using).

I added support for this in October 2021, as I needed to have clickable links that change colour upon being clicked. I used that to memorize which links I clicked, without having to depend on CSS.

Objectified HTML Tags

This is mostly for clarification. An objectified HTML tag is a HTML tag that can be used like an object.

Example:'Hello world!') # => <span>Hello world!</span>

The html_tags gem currently does not support this, but support for this may be added in the future, depending on whether that use case turns out to be sufficiently useful.

How to use HtmlTags.span()

The span-tag in HTML creates something like this:

<span>Hello world!</span>

To attach a CSS class to this, in HTML, one can use something such as:

Hello world!

This is simple HTML.

The html_tags gem also allows these use cases.

For instance, consider the following:

e HtmlTags.span('Hey there')

This is equivalent to the first variant shown before.

The actual output will be:

Hey there</span>

So there is a newline after the starting span-tag. The reason as to this is that I feel that, for readability, it is better to have a newline show up if you want to do a view-source action on the resulting .html file.

Not everyone may want this, so we may need to have to add a toggle to strip newlines there. But for the time being this has to suffice.

How to use HtmlTags.a()

Usage example for how to use HtmlTags.a():

  remote_url: remote_url,
  text:       title?.to_s,
  css_style: 'font-weight: bold; color: darkblue'

The structure of opening and closing tags

This subsection just shows a tiny bit of the structure behind opening and closing tags.

Consider a HTML a tag such as:


This has three components: <, a and >.

These three components are, in order, called:

  • opening bracket
  • element ID
  • closing bracket

The closing tag, that is:


Has one more component, the /, also called the forward slash (unsurprisingly so).

Note that an opening tag can contain attributes.

The bdo tag

bdo stands for bi-directional override.

The purpose of the bdo tag in HTML is to specify the text direction or to override the current text direction. This is important for languages such as Arabic or Hebrew.

Personally I do not really need this tag, but in the event that other users of the html_tag gem need support for the bdo-tag, support for it has been added to the html_tag gem in June 2023.

The bdo tag has a special attribute called dir - an abbreviation standing for direction.

The dir attribute specifies the direction in which the text will be displayed.

Only two values are permissive for the dir attribute:

(1) ltr: It means left to right. The text inside the bdo tag will be rendered from left to right. This is the default value.

(2) rtl: It means right to left. The text inside the bdo tag will be rendered from right to left.

Note that you can use the CSS class rtl-lang instead, so I am not sure why that HTML tag is necessary.

At any rate, an invocation example follows:


Working with HTML tables

You can use HtmlTags.table to create a String that represents a HTML table. In January 2024 this functionality was extended a bit, in that you can pass an Array to this method, via the block form. That Array will be used as content for the HTML table at hand.

Usage example is this API:

puts HtmlTags.table(nil,'mars1em','test_table','border:1px solid rand') {
  %w( abc def ghi jkl )

This would generate the following String:

<table class="mars1em" id="test_table" style="border:1px solid rand">

Quite convenient, isn't it?

Available HTML tags

The following HTML tags are valid, in HTML5:

# ============================================================================ #
# Available HTML5 tags:
# ============================================================================ #

# - !--...--
# - !doctype
- a
- abbr
# - acronym         # Not available in HTML5, so the html_tag gem will not support it.
- address
# - applet          # Not available in HTML5, so the html_tag gem will not support it.
- area
- article
- aside
- audio
- b
- base              # Not sure if this will be implemented by the html_tag gem.
- basefont          # Not available in HTML5, so the html_tag gem will not support it.
- bb                # Not available in HTML5, so the html_tag gem will not support it.
- bdo               # bdo stands for "bi-directional override".
- big               # Not available in HTML5, so the html_tag gem will not support it.
- blockquote        # Supported by the html_tags gem.
- body              # Supported by the html_tags gem.
- br                #
- button            # Supported by the html_tags gem.
- canvas            # Supported by the html_tags gem.
- caption           # Supported by the html_tags gem.
- center
- cite              # Supported by the html_tags gem.
- code              # Supported by the html_tags gem.
- col
- colgroup
- command
- datagrid
- datalist
- dd
- del               # Supported by the html_tags gem.
- details           # Supported by the html_tags gem.
- dfn
- dialog            # Supported by the html_tags gem.
# - dir             # This feature is no longer recommended. See:
- div               # Supported by the html_tags gem.
- dl
- dt
- em                # Supported by the html_tags gem.
- embed             # This one does not seem that useful anymore.
# - eventsource     # This tag was removed from HTML5, so the HtmlTags won't support it.
- fieldset          # Supported by the html_tags gem.
- figcaption
- figure            # Supported by the html_tags gem.
# - font            # NOT supported in HTML5.
- footer            # Supported by the html_tags gem.
- form              # Supported by the html_tags gem.
# - frame           # NOT supported in HTML5.
# - frameset        # The <frameset> tag was used in HTML4 to define a frameset. It is not part of HTML5. 
- h1                # Supported by the html_tags gem.
- h2                # Supported by the html_tags gem.
- h3                # Supported by the html_tags gem.
- h4                # Supported by the html_tags gem.
- h5                # Supported by the html_tags gem.
- h6                # Supported by the html_tags gem.
- head              # Supported by the html_tags gem.
- header            # Supported by the html_tags gem.
- hgroup            # Supported by the html_tags gem.
- hr                # Supported by the html_tags gem.
- html              # Supported by the html_tags gem.
- i                 # Supported by the html_tags gem.
- iframe            # Supported by the html_tags gem.
- img               # Supported by the html_tags gem.
- input             # Supported by the html_tags gem.
- ins               # Supported by the html_tags gem.
# - isindex         # This has been removed from HTML5.
- kbd               # Supported by the html_tags gem. The kbd element represents user input.
- keygen            # Supported by the html_tags gem.
- label             # Supported by the html_tags gem.
- legend            # Supported by the html_tags gem.
- li                # Supported by the html_tags gem.
- link              # Supported by the html_tags gem.
- map               # Supported by the html_tags gem.
- mark              # Supported by the html_tags gem.
- menu              # Supported by the html_tags gem.
- meta
- meter
- nav
- noframes
- noscript
- object            # Supported by the html_tags gem.
- ol
- optgroup
- option
- output
- p
- param
- pre
- progress          # Supported by the html_tags gem.
- q
- rp
- rt
- ruby
- s
- samp
- script
- section
- select
- small
- source            # Supported by the html_tags gem.
- span
- strike
- strong
- style             # Supported by the html_tags gem.
- sub
- summary           # Supported by the html_tags gem.
- sup               # Supported by the html_tags gem.
- table             # Supported by the html_tags gem.
- tbody
- td
- textarea          # Supported by the html_tags gem.
- tfoot
- th                # Supported by the html_tags gem.
- thead             # Supported by the html_tags gem.
- time              # Supported by the html_tags gem.
- title             # Supported by the html_tags gem.
- tr                # Supported by the html_tags gem.
- track             # Supported by the html_tags gem.
# - tt              # This is no longer valid as of HTML5.
- u                 # Supported by the html_tags gem.
- ul                # Supported by the html_tags gem.
- var               # Supported by the html_tags gem.
- video             # Supported by the html_tags gem.
- wbr               # This is the "Word Break Opportunity" tag.

In the long run the HtmlTags project should offer support for all these HTML tags. This applies mostly to HTML5-tags though; for instance, the acronym tag is no longer valid in HTML5, and will thus not be supported by the html_tags project.

Contact information and mandatory 2FA (no longer) coming up in 2022 / 2023

If your creative mind has ideas and specific suggestions to make this gem more useful in general, feel free to drop me an email at any time, via:

Before that email I used an email account at Google gmail, but in 2021 I decided to slowly abandon gmail, for various reasons. In order to limit the explanation here, allow me to just briefly state that I do not feel as if I want to promote any Google service anymore when the user becomes the end product (such as via data collection by upstream services, including other proxy-services). My feeling is that this is a hugely flawed business model to begin with, and I no longer wish to support this in any way, even if only indirectly so, such as by using services of companies that try to promote this flawed model.

In regards to responding to emails: please keep in mind that responding may take some time, depending on the amount of work I may have at that moment. So it is not that emails are ignored; it is more that I have not (yet) found the time to read and reply. This means there may be a delay of days, weeks and in some instances also months. There is, unfortunately, not much I can do when I need to prioritise my time investment, but I try to consider all feedback as an opportunity to improve my projects nonetheless.

In 2022 decided to make 2FA mandatory for every gem owner eventually:


Mandatory 2FA will eventually be extended to all developers and maintainers. As I can not use 2FA, for reasons I will skip explaining here, this means that my projects will eventually be removed, as I no longer have any control over my projects hosted on (because I can not use 2FA).

At that point, I no longer have any control what is done to my projects since whoever is controlling the gems ecosystem took away our control here. I am not sure at which point ruby became corporate-controlled - that was not the case several years ago, so something has changed.

Ruby also only allows 2FA users to participate on the issue tracker these days:

But this has been reverted some months ago, so it is no longer applicable. Suffice to say that I do not think that we should only be allowed to interact on the world wide web when some 'authority' authenticated us, such as via mandatory 2FA, so I hope this won't come back again.

Fighting spam is a noble goal, but when it also means you lock out real human people then this is definitely NOT a good situation to be had.