
Gem Version Dependency Status Code Climate

Convert multiple html or xhtml files to pdfs using the power of wkhtmltopdf.

Note: starting from version 0.1.0 this gem will be release based on Semantic Versioning convention.


Mandatory Requirement


gem install html2pdf

For list of usage type


Which should give the following output


  -b, [--base-dir=BASE_DIR]                # Base directory
                                           # Default: . (current directory)
  -r, [--recursive], [--no-recursive]      # Search for files recursively
                                           # Default: true
  -v, [--version], [--no-version]          # Display version information

Example Usage

  • Convert all xhtml and html from test/fixtures/samples directory recursively html2pdf -b test/fixtures/samples -r Before the run test/fixtures/samples/ ├── demo1_xxx.rb.xhtml ├── demo2_xxx.rb.xhtml └── sub_dir ├── demo3_xxx.rb.xhtml └── demo4_xxx.rb.xhtml After the above command is executed:

You should get the output html2pdf_samples.tar.gz which contain the pdf version of the input files above. e.g.

├── demo1_xxx.rb.xhtml.pdf
├── demo2_xxx.rb.xhtml.pdf
└── sub_dir
    ├── demo3_xxx.rb.xhtml.pdf
    └── demo4_xxx.rb.xhtml.pdf

Usage Tips

This is my personal use case

  • Use vim_printer which export any source code to list of (x)html files in a single tar.gzipped file.

  • Use the output from vim_printer as input to this program so that you get the pdf version of it.

  • Then combine the generated pdf files using pdfs2pdf gem to produce one pdf file


If you like to adjust the output for pdf you can override the default settings by set your own configuration in the file lib/html2pdf/config/html2pdf.rb

For more customization please see the wkhtmltopdf manual page for detail.

module Html2Pdf
  class << self
    # rubocop:disable MethodLength
    def update_config
      Html2Pdf.configure do |config|
        # Note: or add your own path here if `wkhtmltopdf` is not in the $PATH environment
        config.options[:wkhtmltopdf]   = (defined?(Bundler::GemfileError) ? `bundle exec which wkhtmltopdf` : `which wkhtmltopdf`).chomp
        config.options[:page_settings] = [
          "--margin-top 8",
          "--margin-bottom 8",
          "--margin-left 8",
          "--margin-right 8",
          '--header-center "[webpage] :: [page]/[topage]"',
          "--header-spacing 1",
          "--header-font-size 8",
          "--footer-spacing 1",
          "--footer-font-size 8",
    # rubocop:enable All


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