HPFeeds Gem Version

This gem should be used to make easy to interact (publish, subscribe) with a HPFeeds broker.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'hpfeeds'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install hpfeeds


Here is a basic example:

require "hpfeeds"

def on_data(name, chan, payload)
  puts "[%s] %s: %s" % [ chan, name, payload ]
  # just an example here...
  @hp.publish('message', 'channel')

def on_error(data)
  STDERR.puts "ERROR: " + data.inspect

  @hp = HPFeeds::Client.new({
    host:   hpfeeds_server_name_here,
    port:   hpfeeds_port_number_here,  # default is 10000
    ident:  'XXXXXX',
    secret: '123456'
  channels = %w[ chan1 chan2 chanN ]
  @hp.subscribe(*channels) { |name, chan, payload| on_data(name, chan, payload) }

rescue => e
  puts "Exception: #{e}"
  @hp.close if @hp

HPFeeds messages handler

It's also possibile to set separate handlers for messages from different channels, as follows:

@hp.subscribe(chan1, chan2) do
  puts "Received something"

@hp.subscribe(chan3, chan4, chan5) do |name, chan|
  puts "Received something on #{chan}, from #{name}"

@hp.subscribe(chan6, chan7) { |name, chan, payload| custom_method(name, chan, payload) }

HPFeeds errors handler

The argument in


is an handler for HPFeeds error messages (i.e. 'accessfail' or 'authfail'). It's optional: if you don't provide any handler, an exception will be raised (HPFeeds::ErrorMessage) in case of error messages.


It's possibile to specify a path for log file (default is stdout) and a log level, as follows

  @hp = HPFeeds::Client.new({
    host:   hpfeeds_server_name_here,
    port:   hpfeeds_port_number_here,  # default is 10000
    ident:  'XXXXXX',
    secret: '123456',
    log_to: path_to_log_file,          # default is STDOUT
    log_level: :debug                  # default is info


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  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request