
A simple gem which allows you to bind global hot keys with macruby

  1. gem install hotkeys
  2. macruby examples/simple.rb

Usage example: macruby examples/simple.rb

  require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/lib/hotkeys'

  # Delegate method called when the app finished loading
  def applicationDidFinishLaunching(notification)
    @hotkeys =

    @hotkeys.addHotString("R+COMMAND") do
      puts "LOL MACRUBY RUNS"

    # Seriously for a second; For some reason a global hotkey or at least 
    # the way I've got it to working blocks the keystroke. Which I guess is normal?
    # Maybe I'll hack around that with system events for a bypass option, it wouldn't 
    # be elegate, but this is new territory anywho
    @hotkeys.addHotString("S+COMMAND") do
      puts "NO SAVING FOR YOU, LOL" # Trolled myself with this for longer than I should of

  # We are delegating the application to self so the script will know when
  # it finished loading
  NSApplication.sharedApplication.delegate = self


  • Clean up shortcut.m

Copyright (C) 2011 by Robert Lowe - MIT