Hoptoad 0MQ Notifier

Hoptoad notifier extension for speaking to the server over 0mq socket.

One should use this library to speak to Errbit server extended by Errbit 0MQ Handler (github.com/oruen/errbit_zmq_handler)


Install zeromq 2.1 from www.zeromq.org/ or your favorite package system.

Install the gem:

gem install hoptoad_zmq_notifier


In the same initializer you initialize your Hoptoad Notifier client:

HoptoadNotifier.configure do |config|
   config.api_key = 'ba134e3c7fab581e8685cde0a5e68728'
   config.host    = 'localhost'
   config.port    = 3000

HoptoadZmqHandler.configure do |config|
  # Address to connect to send exception notifications 
  config.uri = "tcp://"

From now all notices will be send through 0MQ socket to address you defined.


HoptoadZmqNotifier is Copyright © 2011 oruen. It is free software, and may be redistributed under the terms specified in the MIT-LICENSE file.