Class: Hookworm::RogueCommitHandler

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Hookworm Rogue Commit Handler

The rogue commit handler is specific to GitHub payloads. It will inspect a payload in the context of the given watched_branches and watched_paths and send a "rogue commit email" to the email recipients given in email_recipients to provide visibility roughly equivalent to those commits that result from pull request merges.

Because the rogue commit handler is affected by so many arguments, here they are again with more details about their associated behavior:


The watched_branches argument should be a comma-delimited list of regular expressions, e.g.: watched_branches='^master$,^release_[0-9]'. If a commit payload is received that was not the result of a pull request merge and the Hookworm Annotator handler has determined that the branch name matches any of the entries in watched_branches, then a rogue commit email will be sent.


The watched_paths argument should be a comma-delimited list of regular expressions, e.g.: watched_paths='.*\.(go|rb|py)$,bin/.*'. If a commit payload is received that was not the result of a pull request merge and the Hookworm Annotator handler has determined that one of the commits in the payload contains a path matching any of the entries in watched_paths, then a rogue commit email will be sent.


The email_from_addr is the email address used as the From header and SMTP MAIL address when sending rogue commit emails, e.g.: email_from_addr='[email protected]'.


The email_recipients argument should be a comma-delimited list of email addresses (without display name) used in the To header and SMTP RCPT addresses when sending rogue commit emails, e.g.: email_recipients='[email protected],[email protected]'


The email_uri argument should be a well-formed URI containing the SMTP hostname and port and potentially the username and password used for plain SMTP auth, e.g.: email_uri='smtp://hookworm:[email protected]:1587'