Honeycomb Beeline for Ruby

The Honeycomb Beeline for Ruby is the fastest path to observability for your Ruby apps. It understands the common packages you use and automatically instruments them to send useful events to Honeycomb.


Setup requires minimal changes to your app, but the approach depends on how your app loads gems at startup.

Automatic setup for apps that call Bundler.require

If your app calls Bundler.require at startup (you can verify by running git grep 'Bundler\.require') then setup just requires adding one line to your Gemfile:

gem 'honeycomb-beeline', require: 'honeycomb-beeline/auto_install'

Now run bundle install to install the gem.

Automatic setup for other apps

If your app does not call Bundler.require at startup (you can verify by running git grep 'Bundler\.require') then you'll need to make two changes. First add this line to your Gemfile:

gem 'honeycomb-beeline'

Then require the gem somewhere in your app's startup script - e.g. for a Rack app add it to your "config.ru":

require 'honeycomb-beeline/auto_install'

Now run bundle install to install the gem.

Manual setup

If the automatic setup doesn't work for your app, or you prefer to choose which libraries to instrument, then you'll need to call Honeycomb.init manually.

First add this line to your Gemfile:

gem 'honeycomb-beeline'

Then require and init the gem somewhere in your app's startup script - e.g. for a Rack app add it to your "config.ru":

require 'honeycomb-beeline'

Honeycomb.init(writekey: '<MY HONEYCOMB WRITEKEY>', dataset: 'my-app')

Now run bundle install to install the gem.


You'll need to configure your Honeycomb writekey so that your app can identify itself to Honeycomb. You can find your writekey on your Account page.

You can also configure which dataset in your Honeycomb account to send events to. If you don't, the gem will guess the dataset name based on the name of the current directory.

You can specify the configuration either via environment variables, or by calling Honeycomb.init explicitly:

Configuration via environment variables

  • HONEYCOMB_WRITEKEY - specifies the writekey
  • HONEYCOMB_DATASET - specifies the dataset

Configuration via code

Honeycomb.init(writekey: '<MY HONEYCOMB WRITEKEY>', dataset: 'my-app')


Releasing a new version

Travis will automatically upload tagged releases to Rubygems. To release a new version, run

bump patch --tag   # Or bump minor --tag, etc.
git push --follow-tags