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Contributed Hobbit extensions.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'hobbit-contrib', require: 'hobbit/contrib'
# or this if you want to use master
# gem 'hobbit-contrib', github: 'patriciomacadden/hobbit-contrib', require: 'hobbit/contrib'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install hobbit-contrib


Each extension may have its own usage. In general, including the module will be enough.

require 'hobbit'
require 'hobbit/contrib'

class App < Hobbit::Base
  # include hobbit session extension
  include Hobbit::Session

  # define your application

Available extensions


This extension allows you to control the application environment by using the provided methods. To use this extension just include the module:

require 'hobbit'
require 'hobbit/contrib'

class App < Hobbit::Base
  include Hobbit::Environment

  get '/' do
    "currently in #{environment}"

run App.new

Available methods

  • environment: Returns the current environment. By default is ENV['RACK_ENV'].
  • development?: Returns true if the current environment is :development.
  • production?: Returns true if the current environment is :production.
  • test?: Returns true if the current environment is :test.

Note: All methods are available at class and instance context.


This extension provides a way of handling errors raised by your application. To use this extension just include the module:

require 'hobbit'
require 'hobbit/contrib'

class App < Hobbit::Base
  include Hobbit::ErrorHandling

  error Exception
    exception = env['hobbit.error']

  get '/' do
    raise Exception, 'Oops'

run App.new

Available methods

  • errors: Returns a hash with the exceptions being handled and its corresponding handler.
  • error: Sets a handler for a given exception.

Note: If you define more than one handler per exception the last one defined will have precedence over the others.


This extension provides a way of calling blocks before and after the evaluation of a route (just like sinatra's filters). To use this extension just include the module:

require 'hobbit'
require 'hobbit/contrib'

class App < Hobbit::Base
  include Hobbit::Filter

  def authenticate_user!
    # ...

  before do

  get '/' do
    # ...

run App.new

Available methods

  • after: Sets an after filter. Optionally, you can specify a route.
  • before: Sets a before filter. Optionally, you can specify a route.

Note: It is recommended to include Hobbit::Filter before Hobbit::ErrorHandling if you want to use both extensions.


This module provides rendering to your hobbit application. To use this extension just include the module:

require 'hobbit'
require 'hobbit/contrib'

class App < Hobbit::Base
  include Hobbit::Render

  get '/' do
    # will render views/index.erb using views/layouts/application.erb as layout
    render 'index'

Available methods

  • default_layout: Returns the name of the default layout (Override to use another layout).
  • find_template: Returns the path to a template (Override for multiple views paths lookup).
  • layouts_path: Returns the layouts path (Override to change the layouts directory).
  • partial: Renders the given template using tilt (without a layout).
  • render: Renders the given template using tilt. You can pass a layout option to change the layout (or set to false to not use one).
  • template_engine: Returns the template engine beign used (Override to use other template engine).
  • views_path: Returns the views path (Override to change the views directory).


This module provides helper methods for handling user sessions. To use this extension just include the module:

require 'hobbit'
require 'hobbit/contrib'

class App < Hobbit::Base
  include Hobbit::Session
  use Rack::Session::Cookie, secret: SecureRandom.hex(64)

  post '/' do
    session[:name] = 'hobbit'

  get '/' do
    "Hello #{session[:name]}!"

Available methods

  • session: Returns the user's session.


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request


See the LICENSE.