
Hldslogs gem is Counter-Strike 1.6 Server logs recever, the gem use UDP Socket to receve the data or the log files from Counter-Strike 1.6 Server.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'hldslogs'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install hldslogs


To use this game you have first to installet the gem. Use this example, create new ruby file logs.rb and put this in it:

require 'hldslogs'

@conn = LogsHlds.new("", 27015, 28015)

until @conn.socket == nil do
  logs = @conn.receve_data
  puts logs

For 0.2.2 version or below version make logs.rb file like this:

require 'hldslogs'

@conn = HldsSocket.new("", 27015, 28015)

until @conn.socket == nil do
  logs = @conn.receve_data
  puts logs

In your Counter-Strike 1.6 Server console add the ip and bind port from the socket with this command:

logaddress_add 28015

After this run the logs.rb file in terminal, make sure that your terminal directory is where the file is located and after this run ruby logs.rb. If everything go well you should get the server logs in terminal.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.