
At last the herald with loud blare of trumpet calls forth the impatient teams and launches the fleet chariots into the field. The swoop of forked lightning, the arrow sped by Scythian string, the trail of the swiftly-falling star, the leaden hurricane of bullets whirled from Balearic slings has never so rapidly split the airy paths of the sky.… Thus they go once round, then a second time; thus goes the third lap, thus the fourth…


Hippodrome is an implementation of Facebook's Flux architecture. It adds some more structure (especially to Stores) to the ideas beyond what Facebook's Flux has and includes Deferred Tasks, objects that can respond to Actions (like Stores) but instead of exposing data to views, do additional asynchronous work like making a network request and possibly dispatching more actions based on the response.

For a more in-depth explanation, read this.



Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'hippodrome'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install hippodrome


npm install --save hippodrome


bower install --save hippodrome



In your javascript manifest file:

//= require hippodrome


Hippodrome = require('hippodrome')


Hippodrome will either set a top-level window.Hippodrome object or export a node-style Hippodrome = require('hippodrome') module, depending on what it detects in your environment.


The actual project code is in src/. Running gulp build will compile the coffeescript files into dist/. gulp test runs a jasmine test suite on the code in dist. gulp watch will watch src for changes and run the tests on each change.