Hippie: Simple HTTP wrapper for Net::HTTP


Here’s an example of a GET request:

```ruby require ‘hippie’

response = Hippie.get(“http://example.com”)

Now you have these methods available

response.status #=> Number with the status code response.headers #=> Hash with the response headers response.body #=> String with the response body response.error? #=> true / false response.valid? #=> true / false ```

You can also pass parameters with a query string:

ruby # GET http://example.com?foo=bar Hippie.get("http://example.com", params: { foo: "bar" })

If you want to send data with a POST request, you can add a data option with the value.

ruby Hippie.post("http://example.com", data: "hello world")

For Basic Authentication, you can provide the option auth, which should contain an array with the username and password:

ruby Hippie.get("http://example.com", auth: ["username", "password"])


This is a fork of the awesome ‘requests’ gem from cyx (https://github.com/cyx/requests)