
Easily control HipChat with Ruby.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'hip_chat'

and run bundle install


Currently, this gem lets you view, edit, create, and destroy users on HipChat.

Features for the Near Future

Providing more methods to interact with HipChat. The long-term plan is to cover all of the interactions possible with HipChat API v2.


@api = HipChat::Api.new(authorization_token)

# get list of users:
@users = @api.users

# find users by id, email, or mention_name:
finder = {
  mention_name: "SyedHumzaShah"
} # or {id: id} or {email: email}
user = @users.find(mention_name: "SyedHumzaShah")
# ^ alternate: HipChat::User.find(token, finder)

# create new users:
attributes = {
  email: "[email protected]",
  name: "Syed Humza Shah",
  password: some_password
user = @users.create!(attributes) # or @users.create(attributes)
# ^ alternate: HipChat::User.create(token, attributes)

# update users:
user.name = "Syed Humza"
user.save! # or user.save

# delete a user:
user.destroy! # or user.destroy

# refresh users' list