Hightail bootstraps a pretty looking Rails app in a jiff.


First install the hightail Gem:

gem install hightail

Then run:

hightail APP_NAME

This will create a Rails 3.1 app in APP_NAME. This script creates a new new git repository. It is not meant to be used against an existing repository.

What's Included

Here are a few of the differences you can expect to find between the default Rails generator and what Hightail generates for you:

  • PostgreSQL as the default database
  • RSpec instead of Test::Unit
  • a customized form builder
  • default Sass style sheets
  • a Haml application layout
  • simplified and unified generated files
  • a directory under lib for app-specific code

And a slew of other minor changes. Basically, these are all the things I found myself doing over and over whenever I created a new Rails app.


Hightail is a derivative work of Suspenders by thoughtbot.


Hightail is Copyright © 2011 Tyler Hunt. It is free software, and may be redistributed under the terms specified in the LICENSE file.