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Hieraviz is a simple web application for accessing Puppet development code and production data in a unified interface. Its main goal is to enable a better visibility on the Puppet architecture for more actors to be able to interact with it.

Hieraviz Screenshot 1

It's currently in very early stages of development, use at your own risk.


Install it from Rubygens:

gem install hieraviz


Make sure you have ruby installed (version 2.1.5 from jessie works fine, or use rvm).

gem install bundler
git clone https://github.com/Gandi/hieraviz.git
cd hieraviz
bundle install --path vendor
cp config/hieraviz.default.yml config/hieraviz.yml
# edit the config file
bundle exec shotgun
# or
bundle exec rackup


gem install thin
thin -s 1 -C config/thin.yml -R config.ru start


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/Gandi/hieraviz.


Hieracles original code is written by @mose.


Hieraviz is available under MIT License.

copyright (c) 2015, 2016 Gandi http://gandi.net