hiera-ldap backend

This module allows hiera to look up entries in LDAP. It will return an array of every matching entry, with that entry represented as a hash of attribute => value. For multivalued attributes, they exist as multiattribute => [attrib1, attrib2, attrib3].


This module can be installed via rubygems:

$ gem install hiera-ldapprovider


Ldap example:

objectClass: dNSDomain
objectClass: domain
objectClass: ipHost
objectClass: puppetClient
objectClass: top
cn: client1
dc: example.com
aRecord: client1.example.com
environment: production
puppetclass: rbackup
puppetclass: ntp
puppetclass: apache2
puppetclass: snmpd
puppetvar: service_ensure=running

Configuration example

  :base: ou=machines,dc=example,dc=com
  :host: ldap.example.com
  :port: 389 # Default: 389
  :attribute: cn # Default: cn
  :encryption: :simple_tls
    :method: :simple
    :username: uid=network,ou=Netgroup,dc=example,dc=com
    :password: PASSWORD

Puppet example

In this example a hierarchy will be used. See PuppetDoc on how to define a hierarchy:

  - "%{::clientcert}"
  - "common"

Get a String from LDAP

notify {'message':
  message => hiera("ipHostNumber")
# => Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/Node[client1]/Notify[message]/message: defined 'message' as ''

Get an Array of Elements from LDAP

notify {'message':
  message => hiera_array("puppetclass")

Get a Hash from LDAP

notify {'message':
  message => hiera_hash("puppetclass")


  • It wraps the pramaters to Net::LDAP.new so anything you can do there you can do here
