Hidden Files Are Manageable - Manage, source and reload you dotfiles in a specific directory

  1. You create/clone your dotfiles.
  2. You edit a dotfiles/.hfamconfig file with its intuitive DSL.
  3. You call hfam.

The main advantage of this tool is that you can easily move your dotfiles from a machine to another one. Then, with only one command, you can configure your environment.


you need to install ruby:

?> \curl -sSL https://get.rvm.io | bash -s stable
?> rvm install ruby-head

Check if ruby is installed:

?> ruby --version


?> gem install hfam

I recommend you to put all your dotfiles in a Git repository named dotfiles.

clone your repo and add a file named .hfamconfig.



  |- dotfiles/
     |- gitconfig
     |- zshrc
     |- .hfamconfig


Option -h --help

Display the usage:

?> hfam --help
HFAM - Hidden Files Are Manageable

Centralize your dotfiles in one directory and manage them using some basic operations (symlink, source, ...)
This tool attempts to locate a ~/dotfiles/.hfamconfig file. Then it executes a set of commands
listed in the config file.

For further information: https://github.com/mehdi-farsi/hfam


hfam [-h|--help] [-p|--path]


-h  # help
-p  # change the default dotfiles path

Option -p --path

Change the default dotfiles path.

?> hfam --path /Users/zoidberg/Documents/dotfiles
Symlink: ln -s /Users/mehdi/Documents/dotfiles/testpath /Users/zoidberg/Documents/dotfiles/.testpath

The path set by --path option is the default symlink target path. use the DSL symlink option :dest to override this path.


hfam works with a .hfamconfig file. This config file provide an intuitive DSL for managing your dotfiles.

Only the files defined in .hfamconfig will be treated.

For the following examples, let's say that the following environment variables are set with the following values:

  • HOME=/Users/zoidberg
  • SHELL=/bin/zsh

Now, let's have look to the .hfamconfig DSL.

The symlink command creates a symlink with the source file passed as argument. The symlink target is created in $HOME/.target.


In $HOME/dotfiles/.hfamconfig

symlink "gitconfig" # you can add a comment using '#'


?> hfam
Symlink: ln -s /Users/zoidberg/dotfiles/gitconfig /Users/zoidberg/.gitconfig
?> ls -l $HOME/.gitconfig
/Users/zoidberg/.gitconfig -> /Users/zoidberg/dotfiles/gitconfig

The symlink command accepts another argument to specify the destination's directory. This arguments is named dest.


symlink "gitignore", dest: "/Users/zoidberg/apps/my_app/.gitignore"


?> hfam
Symlink: ln -s /Users/mehdi/dotfiles/gitignore /Users/zoidberg/apps/my_app/.gitignore

/!\ If the source file is not a dotfile, the prefix . is automatically prepended to the target file

?> ls -l $HOME/.gitconfig
lrwxr-xr-x  1 lol  cat 27B Nov 11 16:35 .gitconfig -> /Users/zoidberg/dotfiles/gitconfig

The source command creates a symlink using the file passed as argument and source the symlink target. The symlink target file is defined at $HOME/.target.


In $HOME/dotfiles/.hfamconfig

source "zshrc"


?> hfam
Symlink: ln -s /Users/zoidberg/dotfiles/zshrc /Users/zoidberg/.zshrc
Source: /bin/zsh -c 'source /Users/zoidberg/.zshrc'

/!\ The SHELL env variable is used to defined the current shell. If the default shell is dash, then it uses the '.' command to source the file. Else, it uses the source command. If the SHELL is a symlink to another shell, then it reach the real shell targeted by the symlink: for further information


After checking out the repo, run rake test to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/mehdi-farsi/activerecord-search.

We have a lot of idea that we put in the issue list. Feel free to have a look to it.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.

Please, feel free to star the project if you like it ! :)