LICENSING warning: by using the Weka wrapper, you agree to use Weka and HexWrench in a GNU GPL compatible way



HexWrench comes with a Weka layer, which goal is to turn Welo::Resources in weka.core.Instances.


To use it, you need:

  • JRuby

  • A recent Weka JAR on your $LOAD_PATH


See example/extended.jar to have a usage sample.


Weka supports “related” relationships. Current HexWrench implementation partially works:

  • it works as expected for one level of relationship

  • in the case of 2nd and more levels of relationship, it will create a new header (i.e., Attribute from Instances) per related object. Although this might be the expected behaviour in some cases, it is not the “least-surprise” behaviour, future versions may change this

  • it breaks when there are “loops” in the relationship graph

As a conclusion, DO NOT use more than one level of relationships unless you know Weka very well and had a look at the source.

