
Provides deploy and db restore tasks for your app

Use the following environmental variables to control the heroku app name to be deployed/restored from:



Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'heroku_rake_deploy', group: :development # No need to include this on production or staging

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install heroku_rake_deploy


To see an updated list of tasks and descriptions: bundle exec rake heroku_rake_deploy -T heroku_rake_deploy

rake db:restore                  # Pull Down a copy of the database from the specified heroku environment
rake db:restore:from_local_dump  # Restore from local dump file (defaults to '/tmp/latest.dump' - specify with DUMP_FILE Environmental Variable)
rake db:restore:local            # Erase local development and test database and restore from the local dump file
rake db:restore:production       # Restore a local copy of Heroku's Production Environment database
rake db:restore:staging          # Restore a local copy of Heroku's Staging Environment database
rake deploy                      # Deploy Safely to Heroku
rake deploy:production           # Deploy to Heroku's Production Environment
rake deploy:production:quick     # Quick Deploy to Production, without running migrations
rake deploy:staging:quick        # Quick Deploy to Staging, without running migrations


The db:restores tasks rely on the following gem:


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/ldstudios/heroku_rake_deploy.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.