heroku-mongo-backup — backup mongodb on Heroku and push it to S3 or FTP storage

heroku-mongo-backup does:

  1. Backup mongodb collections to one file;
  2. Compress backup file with gzip;
  3. Push backup to the specified S3 bucket or FTP server;

Why not mongodump command?

mongodump command is not available on Heroku side. If you don't want to setup third party backup service for every project heroku-mongo-backup may be helpful.


Add gem to the Gemfile: gem "heroku-mongo-backup" - if everything's okay rake -T command should show rake mongo:backup rake tasks.

For S3 support heroku-mongo-backup requires s3 or aws-s3 or fog library. One of those should be in Gemfile, if you don't care add fog it's seems to be the most advanced.

Configure heroku scheduler to run mongo:backup rake task. Or if cron is used add backup task to /lib/tasks/cron.rake file:

desc "This task is called by the Heroku cron add-on"
task :cron => :environment do

Set Heroku environment variables:

heroku config:add S3_BACKUPS_BUCKET=_value_ S3_KEY_ID=_value_ S3_SECRET_KEY=_value_ MONGO_URL=_value_

On MONGO_URL place anyone of these is assaptable: MONGOHQ_URI or MONGOLAB_URI.

For FTP set these variables:

heroku config:add UPLOAD_TYPE=ftp FTP_HOST=_host_ FTP_PASSWORD=_pass_ FTP_USERNAME=_user_

Rake Commands

  • heroku run rake mongo:backup
  • heroku run rake mongo:restore FILE=backup-file-name.gz

For Rails 2 add this to your Rakefile to import rake tasks:

import File.expand_path(File.join(Gem.datadir('heroku-mongo-backup'), '..', '..', 'lib', 'tasks', 'heroku_mongo_backup.rake'))

Gem Contributors

  1. alexkravets - slatestudio.com - gem itself with S3 support
  2. matyi - FTP support
  3. stefl - stef.io - Rails is not required for production
  4. moonhouse - moonhouse.se - default config improvement
  5. wolfpakz - Rails2 support