
A syslog (rfc5424) parser written in Ruby and specifically targeting Heroku's http log drain.


Declare heroku-log-parser in your Gemfile.

gem 'heroku-log-parser', :git => '[email protected]:rwdaigle/heroku-log-parser.git'

Run bundler.

$ bundle install


msg_str = "156 <40>1 2012-11-30T06:45:26+00:00 heroku web.3 d.73ea7440-270a-435a-a0ea-adf50b4e5f5a - Starting process with command `bundle exec rackup config.ru -p 24405`"

#=> [{:priority=>40, :syslog_version=>1, :emitted_at=>2012-11-30 06:45:26 UTC, :hostname=>"heroku", :appname=>nil, :proc_id=>"web.3", :msg_id=>"d.73ea7440-270a-435a-a0ea-adf50b4e5f5a", :structured_data=>nil, :message=>"Starting process with command `bundle exec rackup config.ru -p 24405`"}]

HerokuLogParser is a stateless, regex-based parser that accepts a string of data holding one or more syslog messages and returns an array of syslog message properties for each message. For those unwilling to read the spec, the list of syslog tokens is as follows (and is stored in the HerokuLogParser::SYSLOG_KEYS array):

#=> [:priority, :syslog_version, :emitted_at, :hostname, :appname, :proc_id, :msg_id, :structured_data, :message]


  • Pablo Brasero for his work on keeping the parser up to date with Heroku's changing log format.
  • Ryan Smith for his work on l2met which forms the foundation of heroku-log-parser.


Please submit all issues to the project's Github issues.

-- @rwdaigle