Heroku Bouncer

Heroku Bouncer is a Rack middleware (implemented in Sinatra) that requires Heroku OAuth on all requests.


heroku-bouncer-demo is a Sinatra app that uses heroku-bouncer.


  1. Create your OAuth client using /auth/heroku/callback as your callback endpoint. Use http://localhost:5000/auth/heroku/callback for local development with Foreman.

    heroku clients:register localhost http://localhost:5000/auth/heroku/callback
    heroku clients:register myapp https://myapp.herokuapp.com/auth/heroku/callback
  2. Set HEROKU_OAUTH_ID and HEROKU_OAUTH_SECRET in your environment.

  3. Set the COOKIE_SECRET environment variable to a long random string. Otherwise, the OAuth ID and secret are concatenated for use as a secret.

  4. Use the middleware.

    Rack, Sinatra, and Rails 4

    Add a use line to config.ru:

    require ::File.expand_path('../config/environment', __FILE__)
    use ::Heroku::Bouncer
    run Rails.application

    The middleware does not work properly when configured inside Rails 4.

    Rails 3

    Add a middleware configuration line to config/application.rb:

    config.middleware.use ::Heroku::Bouncer


There are 4 boolean options you can pass to the middleware:

  • herokai_only: Automatically redirects non-Heroku accounts to www.heroku.com. Alternatively, pass a valid URL and non-Herokai will be redirected there. Default: false
  • expose_token: Expose the OAuth token in the session, allowing you to make API calls as the user. Default: false
  • expose_email: Expose the user's email address in the session. Default: true
  • expose_user: Expose the user attributes in the session. Default: true

You use these by passing a hash to the use call, for example:

use Heroku::Bouncer, expose_token: true

How to get the data

Based on your choice of the expose options above, the middleware adds the following keys to your request environment:

  • bouncer.token
  • bouncer.email
  • bouncer.user

You can access this in Sinatra and Rails by request.env[key], e.g. request.env['bouncer.token'].

Using the Heroku API

If you set expose_token to true, you'll get an API token that you can use to make Heroku API calls on behalf of the logged-in user using heroku.rb.

heroku = Heroku::API.new(:api_key => request.env["bouncer.token"])
apps = heroku.get_apps.body

Keep in mind that this adds substantial security risk to your application.

Logging out

Send users to /auth/sso-logout if logging out of Heroku is appropriate, or /auth/logout if you only wish to logout of your app. The latter will redirect to /, which may result is the user being logging in again.

Conditionally enable the middleware

Don't want to OAuth on every request? Use a middleware to conditionally enable this middleware, like Rack::Builder. Alternatively, use inheritance to extend the middleware to act any way you like.

There be dragons

  • There's no tests yet. You may encounter bugs. Please report them (or fix them in a pull request).