Herbes (ERB Email Generator for Ruby Lambda)

herbes herbes_template


A gem for generating HTML with inlined css from ERB templates for email rendering purposes.

How to use

Add herbes to your gem file:

gem 'herbes' # from rubygems

Run bundle install

Example usage

using default template

require 'herbes'

github = 'https://github.com/haydenmcfarland'
img_path = "#{github}/assets/blob/master/images/herbes.png?raw=true"
params = {
  title: 'Test Email',
  preheader: 'This is what is used as an example in client',
  p_greetings: 'Hey there john_cena,',
  p_body: 'Please press the following button to confirm your account:',
  p_end: 'You will be forwarded to a confirmation screen.',
  p_regards: 'Thank you!',
  footer_address: '8650 Del Monte Court, Taylors, SC 29687',
  footer_extra: 'Questions? Issues? Call: 867-5309',
  powered_by: "<a href=\"#{github}/herbes\">Herbes</a>",
  img_absolute_path: img_path,
  call_to_action: "<a href=\"#{github}/herbes\" "\


"<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html>\n  <head>\n    <meta name=\"viewport\" content=\"width=device-width\">\n...

providing custom template path and style path

# parameters are tied to what is expected in template
params = { 
  new_param1: 'test', 
  new_param2: 'cool',

Herbes::Email.render(params, template_path: 'template.html.erb', style_path: 'style.css')

providing style string

Herbes::Email.render(params, style_string: custom_css)

extending default style

Herbes::Email.render(params, extend_default_style: true, style_string: custom_css)
Herbes::Email.render(params, extend_default_style: true, style_path: 'style.css')