

Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'helu'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install helu


Start a helu with the In App Purchase ID:

@helu = Helu.new("loosing_weight_10")

create blocks for failing and buying:

@helu.fail = lambda { |transaction| puts transaction ; # node here for failed in app purchase }
@helu.winning = lambda { |transaction| puts transaction ; # code here for successful in app purchase }

The transaction object on the lambda is the one we get from Apple; Therefore, it is a SKPaymentTransaction. More information about it here

buy the product:


Make sure that if your code ever throws out the Helu object, it better also close the store before doing so.


Example App:

You can find an example app here. Remember that for this to work properly, you must add your app identifier to the Rakefile.

Supported types of In App Purchases

  • Consumables and Non-Consumables are supported.
  • Auto-Renewable subscriptions and Non-Renewing Subscriptions are not supported yet. However, we would love some help making it happen.