== HelperClasses

Some simple classes to help in everyday tasks

=== DPuts

Ever wanted to have detailed debug-output, but in the end even PRODUCING the string without printing it was too long? Here comes DPuts! It let's you define different debug-levels and the strings are only evaluated if they're about to be printed! Great for that 10MB-dump that you only want for debugging...


include HelperClasses::DPuts

dputs(5){ "String with some #{huge_db.inspect}" }

This will evaluate and print the huge_db variable, while

include HelperClasses::DPuts

dputs(5){ "String with some #{huge_db.inspect}" }

will NOT evaluate it! The debug-levels are arbitrarily chosen like this:

0 - Errors 1 - Info and warnings, important 2 - Often used debug-messages - limit of production-use 3 - More detailed debugging 4 5 - Dumping lots of raw data

==== Fine-grained debugging

If you have a function with lots of dputs in it, and you'd like to output all debugging messages just from that function, you simply add


at the beginning of your function.

If you want just one specific dputs to be evaluated, just change its name to ddputs:


ddputs(5){"String with lots of data#{huge_var.inspect}"}

will be evaluated!

=== Arraysym

to_sym and to_sym! - calls .to_sym on all elements. Usage:

using HelperClasses::ArraySym

p [ "a", "b" ].to_sym

Produces "[ :a, :b ]"

=== HashAccessor

This should be standard ruby. Access all elements of an array by prepending a "_".

==== Getting a value

using HelperClasses::HashAccessor

p { :a => 2, "a" => 3 }._a

Will print "2". So symbols have precedence over string-keys.

==== Setting a value

using HelperClasses::HashAccessor

a = { :a => 2, "a" => 3 }
a._a = 4
a._b = 5

p a

Will print { :a => 4, "a" => 3, :b => "5" }