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Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'helmsman'

And then execute:

$ bundle


Helmsman adds the helm helper to your rails application views. Here is how you use it:

helm :pictures, url: 'http://defiant.ncc/pictures'

The above call will produce the following html output

  <a href='http://defiant.ncc/pictures'>Pictures</a>

There are multiple ways to build the link:

  1. Provide the url parameter. The link will then be build by using the translation and that url.
  helm :pictures, url: 'http://randompictures.com'
  1. Set helm values in a block. (This works for name and url only.)
  helm :pictures do |entry|
    entry.name = 'Some pictures'
    entry.url  = 'http://randompictures.com'
  1. Build everything manually
  helm :pictures do |_|
    link_to 'Some pictures', 'http://randompictures.com'

Translation lookup

The first parameter will be used to lookup the translations.

e.g. helm :edit called from app/views/pictures/_menu.html.* uses the following translations

  • en.pictures.menu.edit
  • en.pictures.menu.edit_disabled_tooltip
  • en.pictures.menu.disabled_tooltip

Translation scope

To wrap a group of navigation elements into the same translation namespace use the helm_i18n_scope method:

helm_i18n_scope 'bridge' do
  helm :sensors             # will use 'bridge.sensors' for translation lookup

Highlight current

Helmsman will highlight the current entry by using the controller and action name.

Per default the first parameter will be treated as the controller name: helm :pictures, url: pictures_url highlights on every controller action of the pictures_controller.

You may customize the highlight options by providing a set of controller and/or action names in the highlight options. Here are some examples:

helm :bridge, highlight: :screens                                 # on any screens controller action
helm :bridge, highlight: [:screens, :sensors]                     # on any screens and sensors controller action
helm :bridge, highlight: { screens: :show }                       # on bridges controller show action
helm :bridge, highlight: [:screens, { sensors: [:show, :index] }] # all screens controller actions and sensors controller #show and #index

Anyway you are not forced to use that mechanism, you can also set current by hand:

helm :bridge, current: true

Disabling and visibility

To set a helm disabled you may use the disabled option. It will then add a tooltip to that entry to explain why it was disabled (´.pictures_disabled_tooltip´).

helm :pictures, url: pictures_url, disabled: user_signed_in?

If you want it to not be visible at all set the visible option to false.

helm :pictures, url: pictures_url, visible: user_signed_in?

Additional content and nesting

As mentioned above you may additional content and nest helms into each other by using its yield feature. Here is a SLIM example:

- helm :pictures, url: 'http://allpictures.com' do
    = helm :architecture
    = helm :nature

You can always use the current helm during that yield, so finding out whether it is disabled, current or anything is trivial:

helm :pictures, disabled: true, current: false do |entry|
  puts entry.enabled?   # false
  puts entry.disabled?  # true
  puts entry.visible?   # true
  puts entry.current?   # false


In an initializer you can customize the css classes to use.

Helmsman.current_css_class  = 'current-menu-item'
Helmsman.disabled_css_class = 'disabled-menu-item'


Helmsman is working for rails 3 & 4 and needs ruby 2


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request


  1. configure helper name