
Heartcheck is a monitoring tool for Rack applications. It provides a DSL to declare service checks and an URI that returns the status for each service. With this gem you can monitor if your app has access to the database, a cache service, an API, etc.

Build Status Code Climate Ebert


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'heartcheck'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install heartcheck


First generate the config file for the framework you are using:

$ heartcheck rails
$ heartcheck padrino
$ heartcheck sinatra

Then edit the generated file by adding your checks on it and restart your server. Now you should be able to make a HTTP request for /monitoring and get a JSON response that contains the status for each monitored service.

The following environment variables are needed by heartcheck:


Using built-in checks

Firewall check

Heartcheck.setup do |config|
  config.add :firewall do |c|
    c.add_service(host: 'domain.com', port: 80)
    c.add_service(host: 'domain.com', port: 80, timeout: 5) # Default timeout is 2 seconds
    c.add_service(url: 'https://domain.com')
    c.add_service(url: 'https://domain.com', proxy: 'http://proxy.domain.com')

HTTP Routes

Basic health check

To get the status for all services, make a HTTP request for the following URI:


It will return a JSON response and a status for each service.

Functional status

Functional services are services essential for your application. You can get their status using the following route:


Info route

This route returns custom information about your app. You can configure it to return whatever information you want:


Dev status

Returns some debugging information:


Very basic health check

Returns a simple ok if the app is running. It does not execute any configured checks:


General info and dependencies

Returns general application info and a list of dependencies' URIs, but executes no checking:




Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/locaweb/heartcheck.