HCl is a command-line tool for interacting with Harvest time sheets using the Harvest time tracking API.

Quick Start

You can install hcl directly from rubygems.org:

$ gem install hcl
$ hcl show [date]

or you can install from source using jeweler:

$ gem install jeweler
$ rake install


  • Ruby (tested with 1.8.7)
  • Ruby OpenSSL support (in debian/ubuntu: apt-get install libopenssl-ruby)
  • Ruby extension building support (in debian/ubuntu: apt-get install ruby-dev)
  • RubyGems 1.3.3
  • Trollop option-parsing library (gem install trollop)
  • Chronic date-parsing library (gem install chronic)
  • HighLine console input library (gem install highline)
  • Jeweler packaging tool (needed to build the gem)


hcl (@<task_alias> | <project_id> <task_id>) [+time] [message]
hcl note <message>
hcl stop [message]
hcl resume [@<task_alias>]
hcl show [date]
hcl tasks
hcl alias <task_alias> <project_id> <task_id>
hcl aliases

Available Projects and Tasks

To start a new timer you need to identify the project and task. After you've used the show command you can use the tasks command to view a cached list of available tasks.

$ hcl tasks

Starting a Timer

Since it's not practical to enter two long numbers every time you want to identify a task, HCl supports task aliases:

$ hcl alias xdev 1234 5678
$ hcl @xdev Adding a new feature!

Starting a Timer with Initial Time

You can also provide an initial time when starting a new timer. This can be expressed in floating-point or HH:MM. The following two commands are equivalent:

$ hcl @xdev +0:15 Adding a new feature!
$ hcl +.25 @xdev Adding a new feature!

Adding Notes to a Running Task

While a task is running you can append lines to the task notes:

$ hcl note Found a good time!

Stopping a Timer

The following command will stop a running timer (currently only one timer at a time is supported). You can provide a message when stopping a timer as well:

$ hcl stop All done!

Resuming a Timer

You can resume a stopped timer. Specify a task to resume the last timer for that task:

$ hcl resume
$ hcl resume @xdev

Date Formats

Dates can be expressed in a variety of ways. See the Chronic documentation for more information about available date input formats. The following commands show the timesheet for the specified day:

$ hcl show yesterday
$ hcl show last friday
$ hcl show 2 days ago
$ hcl show 1 week ago


HCl was designed and implemented by Zack Hobson.

See LICENSE for copyright details.