HaveSnippet Client

CLI for HaveSnippet, a self-hosted paste service.


$ gem install havesnippet-client


There are two executables, havesnippet and its abbreviation hs.

$ havesnippet --help
Usage: havesnippet [options] [file]

    -s, --server URL                 URL to the HaveSnippet server
    -k, --api-key KEY                API key used to authenticate the user
    -f, --filename NAME              File name, including the extension
    -l, --language LANG              Language used to highlight the syntax
    -L, --list-languages             List available languages
    -t, --title TITLE                Title for the snippet
    -a, --access MODE                Accessibility (public,unlisted,logged,private)
    -e, --expiration DATE            Date of expiration in ISO 8601
        --hour                       Expiration in one hour
        --day                        Expiration in one day
        --week                       Expiration in one week
        --month                      Expiration in one month
        --year                       Expiration in one year
        --clear                      Clear any previously configured options
        --save                       Save settings to config file
    -h, --help                       Show this message and exit

havesnippet either reads from stdin or from file, if it is provided as an argument. It then uploads it using HaveSnippet's API and prints the URL of the created snippet.

Server address must be provided by the -s switch every time, unless a config file is created using the --save switch, e.g.:

$ havesnippet -s https://paste.vpsfree.cz --save
$ echo yo! | havesnippet

Switch --save saves all command line options to the config file, so you might set a default language, title, access mode or expiration. Options loaded from the config file can be overriden by command line options.