Hash Reject Recursively

Like Hash#reject but recursively.

Deletes recursively every key-value pair from hash for which block evaluates to true.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'hash_reject_recursively'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install hash_reject_recursively


languages = {
  ruby: { lines: 100 },
  python: { lines: nil },
  java: { lines: nil },
  php: nil

new_hash = languages.deep_reject { |key, value| value.nil? }
# new_hash == { ruby: { lines: 100 }, python: {}, java: {} }

new_hash = languages.deep_reject { |key, value| value.blank? } # Rails example
# new_hash == { ruby: { lines: 100 } }

languages.deep_reject! { |key, value| value.nil? }
# languages == { ruby: { lines: 100 }, python: {}, java: {} }

Note 1: deep_reject! changes the original object

Note 2: .blank? in example above it's Rails implementation method.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.


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  2. Create a feature branch - git checkout -b more_magic
  3. Add tests and make your changes
  4. Check if tests are ok - rake spec
  5. Commit changes - git commit -am "Added more magic"
  6. Push to Github - git push origin more_magic
  7. Send a pull request! :heart: