
A ruby command line app prints the MD5 hashes all of the files in an array of folders. The output can be in standard text, csv, html or json.

Also has a compare functionthat takes 2 folder, then iterates through the files and comparing the MD5 hashes of the files with the same name


# to view help  
hashthattree help

# Get the hash of all files in a folder (with optional formatting)
hashthattree hashit ./spec/testfiles/1 
hashthattree hashit ./spec/testfiles/1 -o=csv
hashthattree hashit ./spec/testfiles/1 -o=html
hashthattree hashit ./spec/testfiles/1 -o=json

# Get the hash of all files in multiple folders 
hashthattree hashit ./spec/testfiles/1 

# run the app on the test files in two folders (this will soon be depreciated)
hashthattree compare ./spec/testfiles/1 ./spec/testfiles/2
hashthattree compare ./spec/testfiles/1 ./spec/testfiles/2 csv
hashthattree compare ./spec/testfiles/1 ./spec/testfiles/2 html
hashthattree compare ./spec/testfiles/1 ./spec/testfiles/2 json


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'hash-that-tree'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install hash-that-tree

Creating Documentation

Run the following command to generate the documantation

rdoc --exclude spec/testfiles

Create a gem

Build and Test Locally
-gem build hash-that-tree.gemspec
-gem install hash-that-tree-X.X.X # where X.X.X is the version of the compiled gemspec

Build and deploy to rubygems.org
-gem update --system
-gem build hash-that-tree.gemspec
-gem push hash-that-tree-0.0.1.gem # where X.X.X is the version of the compiled gemspec


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request


Looking into bundling with https://github.com/radar/guides/blob/master/gem-development.md


I have a few items to do in upcoming releases

- [x] Add MD5
- [x] Allow for single or multiple folders
- [x] Format output in json 
- [x] Format output in html
- [x] Format output in csv
-[ ] Add Unit Tests
-[ ] Allow to be used as an API as well as a Command Line Tool
-[ ] Add folder recursion option
-[ ] Add SHA1