Digineo HasImages gem


HasImages adds images and galleries to your ActiveRecord models. It comes with the follwing methods:

model.images # returns a list of all images
model.avatar # returns the image with the avatar flag e.g. the first image
model.galleries? # does this model have a gallery?
model.galleries # returns a list of the models image galleries
gallery.images  # returns all images in a gallery
image.set_avatar # sets the avatar flag on this image


This gem requires thoughtbot's paperclip, this gem will be installed automatically.


add the following to your config/enviroment.rb

config.gem "has_images"

Generate migrations & migrate

./script/generate has_images

rake db:migrate

Integration in your model

class User < ActiveRecord::Base  

you can also customize the image-storage with paperclip options

class User < ActiveRecord::Base  
  has_images :styles => {
   :thumb  => ["150x100", :jpg],
   :mini   => ["75x50",   :jpg],
   :medium => ["300x200", :jpg],
   :large  => ["640x480", :jpg],
   :huge   => ["800x600", :jpg],
   :square => ["200x200", :jpg] }, 
   :path   => ":rails_root/public/images/:attachment/:id_partition/:id_:style.:extension",
   :url    => "/images/:attachment/:id_partition/:id_:style.:extension"

Examples & usage

Imageupload via form

in your view (uses formtastic)

-semantic_form_for @image, :html => { :multipart => true } do |f|
  -f.inputs do
    =f.input :gallery_id, :as => :select, :collection => parent.galleries.all(:order=>'name')
    =f.input :gallery_name
    =f.input :name
    =f.input :text  
    =f.file_field :file, :input_html => { :size => 22 }

in your controller:

class ImagesController

  def new 
    @image = User.first.images.new

  def create
    @image = User.first.images.create(params[:image])



Create image by URL

has_images supports an easy method to create images from URLs:

user  = User.first
image = user.create_image_by_url("http://image.url/file.png")

Of course you can also create the image manually with more arguments

user = User.first
user.images.create(:file_url => "http://image.url/file.png", :name => "my image")

enabling Counter-Cache

class User < ActiveRecord::Base  
  has_images :styles => {
   :thumb  => ["150x100", :jpg]
   :path   => ":rails_root/public/images/:attachment/:id_partition/:id_:style.:extension",
   :url    => "/images/:attachment/:id_partition/:id_:style.:extension",
   :counter_cache => "images_count"

This enables the counter_cache for the user-model. CounterCache is saved in the field "images_count"


has_images also supports image galleries to group images

Images with galleries

gallery = user.galleries.create(:name => "gallery name")


You can also create image galleries on the fly with the attr_accessor gallery_name:

user  = User.find(1)
image = user.images.create(:name => 'my cool image', :file_url => "http://image.url/image.jpg", :gallery_name => "my images")

Image Types

Sometimes you also have to group your images by specific image types. For example you could use the types "logo", "screenshot" and "banner"

creating image types:

You can easily create ImageType like this:

Digineo::ImageType.create(:name => 'logo')
Digineo::ImageType.create(:name => 'screenshot')
Digineo::ImageType.create(:name => 'banner')

another possibility is to create image types on the fly like this

user = User.first
user.images.create(:name => 'my cool image', :file_url => "http://image.url/image.jpg", :image_type_name => 'logo')

in this case the ImageType "logo" will eiter be created or the id of an existing ImageType will be set

finding images of a specific type

user = User.first    
logos = user.images.image_type('logo')

invalid image types will raise an Digineo::ImageType::Exception

user = User.first
invalid = user.images.image_type('invalid image type') 
  => Digineo::ImageType::Exception: Could not find ImageType with name invalid image type

Copyright (c) 2010 Dennis Meise Digineo GmbH , released under the MIT license