Acts As Teapot

Acts As Teapot is a Ruby on Rails plugin that ensures your Ruby on Rails applications conform to RFC2324. Our assumption here is that your application is not a coffee pot and does not understand the Hyper Text Coffee Pot Control Protocol (HTCPCP/1.0). Thus, if ever a BREW request or any other request with the Content-Type set to “application/coffee-pot-command” is received, the server will respond with 418 I’m a teapot.


You have two choices for installation. The first uses a gem (recommended):

config.gem "harukizaemon-acts_as_teapot", :lib => "acts_as_teapot", :source => ""

Or you can use the Rails plugin

$ ruby script/plugin install git://


This plugin is copyright 2009 by Simon Harris and is released under the MIT license.