

Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'handy_apn'

And then execute:

$ bundle install

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install handy_apn


Command Line

The handy_apn gem provides a command-line option (handy_apn) to test your certificates by sending message to the device.

To lists the commands available:

  $ handy_apn -h

To send message to a device:

  $ handy_apn -h push


  Usage: handy_apn push TOKEN [...]


    # description
    handy_apn push <token> -m "Hello, World"

    -m, --alert ALERT    Body of the alert to send in the push notification 
    -e, --environment ENV Environment to send push notification (production or development (default)) 
    -c, --certificate CERTIFICATE Path to certificate (.pem) file 
    -p, --[no]-passphrase Prompt for a certificate passphrase 

To send the message "Hello world" to the device using the production apple push notification service using the prodution pem file.

  $ handy_apn push "f2ecca82 b48b7a38 5b838ece 3079ee6f 29f27163 d8407c1f 01f7298c 0a74bd7c" -m "Hello world" -e production -c aps_production.pem -p


The handy_apn gem also provides a rake task to test your certificates by sending a message to the device.

Create a Rakefile:

  $ vi Rakefile

Add the following code to the Rakefile.

  require "handy_apn/Rakefile"

Now lists the rake tasks

  $ rake --tasks
  $ rake apn:send_message[apn_pem_file_path,apn_pass_phrase,device_token,should_send_message_to_apn_prod,message_text]


  • apn_pem_file_path - absolute location of the file along with file name
  • apn_pass_phrase - passphrase for your pem file
  • device_token - should be formed of 64 alphanumeric characters and separated by space after 8 characters as shown in example below.
  • should_send_message_to_apn_prod - true would send to apple's production push notification service.
  • message_text - Message you want to send

Example to test development certificate:

$ rake apn:send_message["/Users/blah/apn_certificates/aps_development.pem","blah","eb8328c8 3f42a4dd e7eb8e96 5535b0c7 653032eb 070e54d9 c55133a6 da32c94f",false,"Hello world"]

How to create apple push notification certificate

  1. Open you Keychain and request for a CertificateSigningRequest(CSR): alt tag
  2. Create your CSR and save it disk:alt tag
  3. Open apple developer portal, open your app id and enable push notification:alt tag
  4. In apple developer portal, To create push notification developer certificate, Click Certificate, you will see this page, click Continue here:alt tag
  5. Now upload the CSR created in step 2:alt tag
  6. Once generated, click on download and save the file. The saved file would be named: "aps_development.cer":alt tag
  7. Open the downloaded aps_development.cer file by double clicking. This would add the .cer to keychain. Now you should see, the public key, private key and certificate in your Keychain as shown:alt tag
  8. Now Select the private key and the certificate and right click and select Export 2 items:alt tag
  9. Now execute the following openssl command on the AppDemoPrivateKeyDevCerTogether.p12:
$ openssl pkcs12 -in AppDemoPrivateKeyDevCerTogether.p12 -out push_notification_demo_apn_dev.pem -nodes -clcerts


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake rspec to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to rubygems.org.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/sushmasatish/handy_apn.